Meniu sănătos

Plan de dietă

Nutriție personalizată pentru fiecare participant la tabără de antrenament.


Oferim mese echilibrate, adaptate nevoilor nutriționale ale persoanelor supraponderale.

Rețete delicioase

Rețete sănătoase și gustoase, care susțin pierderea în greutate.

Snack-uri sănătoase

Gustări nutritive pentru a menține energia pe parcursul zilei.

Mese variate

Mese variate, care includ proteine, legume și carbohidrați sănătoși.

Planuri de masă

Planuri de masă personalizate, adaptate obiectivelor fiecărui participant.

Suplimente nutritive

Suplimente nutritive care sprijină metabolismul și sănătatea generală a participanților.

A fit woman stands on a grassy field holding two dumbbells, one in each hand. She is wearing a white sports bra, black shorts, and sneakers. The background includes soft-focused trees and foliage, contributing to a serene, outdoor setting.
A fit woman stands on a grassy field holding two dumbbells, one in each hand. She is wearing a white sports bra, black shorts, and sneakers. The background includes soft-focused trees and foliage, contributing to a serene, outdoor setting.

Despre noi

La Restart360, oferim tabere de antrenament personalizate pentru persoanele supraponderale, cu suport din partea antrenorilor și nutriționiștilor noștri specializați.

A dimly lit gym environment with a focus on a wooden panel displaying 'Muscle Up Performance'. Shadows and light create a dramatic effect on the dark-tiled floor. Motivational words like 'Focus', 'Motivation', 'Dedication', and 'Excuses' are subtly visible on the wall.
A dimly lit gym environment with a focus on a wooden panel displaying 'Muscle Up Performance'. Shadows and light create a dramatic effect on the dark-tiled floor. Motivational words like 'Focus', 'Motivation', 'Dedication', and 'Excuses' are subtly visible on the wall.
Text displaying the phrase 'NATURALLY FAST FOOD' is shown against a blue background. The lettering is black and the word arrangement suggests a focus on natural and quick meal options.
Text displaying the phrase 'NATURALLY FAST FOOD' is shown against a blue background. The lettering is black and the word arrangement suggests a focus on natural and quick meal options.
A gym setting with equipment used for weight training resting on artificial grass. There are weighted sleds with handles, featuring colorful plates stacked on them, including yellow and green ones. Additional training apparatuses like large round cushions or bumpers with blue and green covers are visible, designed for strength workouts. The room is bordered by large windows allowing natural light to enter.
A gym setting with equipment used for weight training resting on artificial grass. There are weighted sleds with handles, featuring colorful plates stacked on them, including yellow and green ones. Additional training apparatuses like large round cushions or bumpers with blue and green covers are visible, designed for strength workouts. The room is bordered by large windows allowing natural light to enter.

Echipa noastră

Suntem dedicați să ajutăm persoanele supraponderale să își atingă obiectivele de sănătate prin antrenamente eficiente și planuri nutriționale adaptate.