black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Transformă-ți viața astăzi

Înscrie-te acum pentru o schimbare durabilă!

Antrenamente personalizate

Antrenori și nutriționiști dedicați pentru tine.

Planuri de dietă adaptate nevoilor tale.

Suport constant și motivație zilnică.

Nutriție sănătoasă
Rezultate vizibile

Împreună pentru o viață sănătoasă

La Restart360, oferim tabere de antrenament dedicate persoanelor supraponderale, cu antrenori și nutriționiști specializați, pentru a promova un stil de viață sănătos și echilibrat.

cooked dish on gray bowl
cooked dish on gray bowl
Transformă-ți viața acum
Împreună spre succes

Echipa noastră de experți te va ghida în fiecare pas, oferindu-ți suportul necesar pentru a-ți atinge obiectivele de sănătate și fitness, într-un mediu prietenos și motivant.

Servicii Personalizate

Oferim antrenamente și planuri nutriționale adaptate nevoilor persoanelor supraponderale.

Antrenamente Specializate
A blue plate with the words 'BURN FAT' spelled out in letter tiles placed in the center. The background is white which contrasts with the blue plate.
A blue plate with the words 'BURN FAT' spelled out in letter tiles placed in the center. The background is white which contrasts with the blue plate.

Antrenori experimentați pentru rezultate vizibile și sănătoase.

A person wearing a white sports bra and black leggings is sitting on a green bench beside a chain-link fence. They are holding a rectangular food container filled with a meal consisting of greens and cooked meat. A clear bottle with a black cap is placed next to them on the bench. The setting appears to be outdoors with a natural background of leaves and twigs.
A person wearing a white sports bra and black leggings is sitting on a green bench beside a chain-link fence. They are holding a rectangular food container filled with a meal consisting of greens and cooked meat. A clear bottle with a black cap is placed next to them on the bench. The setting appears to be outdoors with a natural background of leaves and twigs.
The side of a white vehicle displays the meal service logo 'MEALPRO' with the tagline 'For the Athlete in You'. Next to the text is a graphic combining a lightbulb and a fork.
The side of a white vehicle displays the meal service logo 'MEALPRO' with the tagline 'For the Athlete in You'. Next to the text is a graphic combining a lightbulb and a fork.
Planuri Nutriționale

Nutriționiști calificați care te ghidează spre o alimentație echilibrată și sănătoasă.

Suport Continu

Asistență constantă pe parcursul programului.

Galerie Antrenamente

Imagini din taberele noastre pentru persoanele supraponderale, antrenori și nutriționiști.

Floating food items including cherry tomatoes, almonds, cashews, slices of red bell pepper, cheese cubes, lettuce, and ham. A fork is levitating among these ingredients. The letters spelling 'DIET' are arranged with small tiles like a game. The background is a solid light green color.
Floating food items including cherry tomatoes, almonds, cashews, slices of red bell pepper, cheese cubes, lettuce, and ham. A fork is levitating among these ingredients. The letters spelling 'DIET' are arranged with small tiles like a game. The background is a solid light green color.
A metal fence with motivational fitness quotes written on colorful strips of tape in the background. The phrases include 'Exercise to have fun and be fit, not just to lose weight,' 'Excuses don't burn calories,' 'No exercise is better than no exercise,' 'Sweat is just fat crying,' and 'Fitter & healthier.' The strips are mostly white, blue, and yellow, placed on a red background.
A metal fence with motivational fitness quotes written on colorful strips of tape in the background. The phrases include 'Exercise to have fun and be fit, not just to lose weight,' 'Excuses don't burn calories,' 'No exercise is better than no exercise,' 'Sweat is just fat crying,' and 'Fitter & healthier.' The strips are mostly white, blue, and yellow, placed on a red background.
A white package labeled 'CTRL A Meal Replacement' with the flavor 'Cocoa Crunch' is placed on a bed of cocoa powder. The package design features images of cereal pieces and milk splashes. Surrounding the package are round, chocolate-colored cereal pieces.
A white package labeled 'CTRL A Meal Replacement' with the flavor 'Cocoa Crunch' is placed on a bed of cocoa powder. The package design features images of cereal pieces and milk splashes. Surrounding the package are round, chocolate-colored cereal pieces.
A black and white photograph of a storefront window displaying the text 'Faith & Fat Loss' in bold letters. The window reflects the silhouette of trees and a passing vehicle on the street, and blinds hang behind the glass.
A black and white photograph of a storefront window displaying the text 'Faith & Fat Loss' in bold letters. The window reflects the silhouette of trees and a passing vehicle on the street, and blinds hang behind the glass.
A container labeled 'Youthful Living Keto Vegan Protein Shake' is prominently displayed. The container highlights its plant-based ingredients and is flavor 'Cafe Mocca'. It's positioned on a reflective surface with part of a banana visible in the background.
A container labeled 'Youthful Living Keto Vegan Protein Shake' is prominently displayed. The container highlights its plant-based ingredients and is flavor 'Cafe Mocca'. It's positioned on a reflective surface with part of a banana visible in the background.
A package of a dietary supplement is prominently positioned on the forest floor, surrounded by dry leaves and blurred natural elements in the background. Partial views of a person appear in the foreground, suggesting outdoor activity.
A package of a dietary supplement is prominently positioned on the forest floor, surrounded by dry leaves and blurred natural elements in the background. Partial views of a person appear in the foreground, suggesting outdoor activity.

Păreri clienți

Aici găsiți recenzii de la clienții noștri mulțumiți.

Am slăbit 10 kilograme în 2 luni, antrenorii sunt foarte buni!

Maria Popescu
A group of people is actively participating in an outdoor exercise class. They are standing on a grassy field in front of a stage equipped with lighting and speakers. Most participants are wearing athletic clothing and appear to be following the instructors on stage who are guiding the workout.
A group of people is actively participating in an outdoor exercise class. They are standing on a grassy field in front of a stage equipped with lighting and speakers. Most participants are wearing athletic clothing and appear to be following the instructors on stage who are guiding the workout.


Experiența mea la Restart360 a fost transformatoare. Am învățat să mănânc sănătos și să fac exerciții corecte. Recomand cu căldură acest program tuturor celor care vor să slăbească.

Several black boxes labeled 'Training Box' are stacked on a grassy surface. The top box features illustrations of a kettlebell and a dumbbell.
Several black boxes labeled 'Training Box' are stacked on a grassy surface. The top box features illustrations of a kettlebell and a dumbbell.
Ion Ionescu

